Have to Hit Back Button Multiple Times on Reddit

Your campaign is out there, live, but it isn't set in stone. You can edit your campaign, ad groups, and ads whenever you want.

Keep in mind

  • When you change one level of the campaign, that change will apply to everything within it:
  • If you pause or archive a campaign, it will pause or archive that campaign's ad groups and ads.
  • If you pause or archive an ad group, it will pause or archive that ad group's ads.

Learn how to:

Pause, edit, duplicate, or archive your campaign
Pause, edit, duplicate, or archive your ad group
Pause, edit, duplicate, or archive your ad

Pause, edit, duplicate, or archive your campaign

Whenever you need to, you can edit any campaign you've created. Here's what you can do:

Pause: Stop a campaign and all its parts from running.

Edit: Change a campaign's settings.

Duplicate: Create a copy of a campaign.

Archive: Pause the campaign and remove it from the Ads Dashboard.

If you want to make the same edits to multiple campaigns at the same time, you can use the Bulk Edit tool.

Pause your campaign

You can pause or un-pause a campaign at any time here's how:

  1. Log in to your ads.reddit.com account.
  2. Click into the CAMPAIGNS tab.
  3. Click to toggle from ON to OFF.The campaign status will switch to Inactive, and the campaign will stop serving impressions.

on off

When you're ready to turn your campaign back on, just come back and toggle your campaign from OFF back to ON.

Edit your campaign

If you want to update the name of your campaign, you can do that from the Dashboard > CAMPAIGNS tab.

Note: Check out this article for instructions on updating your funding. The only way to update your campaign objective is to set up a new campaign with that new objective.

  1. Log in to your ads.reddit.com account.
  2. Click into the CAMPAIGNS tab.
  3. Click the three-dot menu (...) next to the campaign you want to edit.
  4. Select Edit Campaign from the drop-down menu. Make your changes and click Save.


Duplicate your campaign

You can duplicate a campaign, along with all of its ad groups and ads. Here's how:

  1. Log in to your ads.reddit.com account.
  2. Click into the CAMPAIGNS tab.
  3. Click the three-dot menu (...) next to the campaign you want to duplicate.
  4. Select Duplicate from the drop-down menu.
  5. From the pop-up, Duplicate Campaign window, hit the Duplicate button.


The new campaign will pop up under the original in the campaign list, named 'Copy of "Original_Campaign_Name."

Archive your campaign

If you want to stop running a campaign and remove it from your dashboard (without deleting it forever), you can archive it:

  1. Log in to your ads.reddit.com account.
  2. Click into the CAMPAIGNS tab.
  3. Click the three-dot menu (...) next to the campaign you want to archive.
  4. Select 'Archive' from the drop-down menu
    Note: This will archive your campaign and any ad groups and ads in there.


You can also unarchive your campaign:

  1. Log in to your ads.reddit.com account.
  2. Select View: Archived.


  3. Click the three-dot menu (...) next to the campaign you want to unarchive.
  4. Select Unarchive from the drop-down menu.
    Note: Remember to change your Dashboard view back from Archived to Default if you want to see the unarchived campaign.

Pause, edit, duplicate or archive your ad group

Whenever you need to, you can edit any ad group within a campaign. Here's what you can do:

Pause: Stop an ad group and all its ads from running.
Edit: Change an ad group's settings.
Duplicate: Create a copy of an ad group.
Archive: Pause the ad group from running and remove it from the Ads Dashboard.

If you want to make the same edits to multiple ad groups at the same time, you can use the Bulk Edit tool.

Pause your ad group

  1. Log in to your ads.reddit.com account.
  2. Click into the AD GROUPS tab.
  3. Click to toggle from ON to OFF next to the ad group you want to pause (the ad group status will switch to Inactive and will stop serving impressions).


When you're ready to turn your campaign back on, just come back and toggle your campaign from OFF back to ON.

Note: Your campaign may still deliver impressions IF you have multiple ad groups under your campaign and you only pause one. To pause all ad groups at the same time, pause the campaign.

Edit your ad group

If you'd like to change something about an ad group, you can do that anytime:

  1. Log in to your ads.reddit.com account.
  2. Click into the AD GROUPS tab.
  3. Click the three-dot menu (...) next to the ad group you want to edit.
  4. Select Edit Ad Group from the drop-down menu.
  5. Make your changes and click Save.
    Note: The only things you can't edit about your ad group here are audience type, budget type (Daily or Lifetime), and device targeting. To edit those, you'll need to create a new ad group.


Duplicate your ad group

When you duplicate an ad group, you create that ad group's twin within the same campaign. So you'll have an exact copy of the group, along with exact copies of any ads that group has in it.

Here's how to do it:

  1. Log in to your ads.reddit.com account.
  2. Click into the AD GROUPS tab.
  3. Click the three-dot menu (...) next to the desired ad group.
  4. Select Duplicate from the drop-down menu.
  5. From the pop-up window, hit Duplicate.


Archive your ad group

If you want to stop running an ad group and remove it from your dashboard (without deleting it forever), you can archive it:

  1. Log in to your ads.reddit.com account.
  2. Click into the AD GROUPS tab.
  3. Click the three-dot menu (...) next to the desired ad group
  4. Select Archive from the drop-down menu
    Note: This will archive your ad group as well as ads that live under this ad group


You can also unarchive your ad group:

  1. Log in to your ads.reddit.com account.
  2. Select View: Archived
  3. Click the three-dot menu (...) next to the desired ad group
  4. Select Unarchive from the drop-down menu


Before you edit your ad, there's something we should explain about what an ad is first. Your ads contain:

  • The ad: This is just the Ad's name and Properties (trackers) that you and your team see from your dashboard
  • The post: This is what you promote on Reddit, showcasing your creative. It's what redditors actually see.

Ok, now here is what you can do with your ads:

Pause: Stop an ad from running.
Edit: Change an ad's settings or public-facing post.
Duplicate: Create a copy of an ad so you can edit it.
Archive: Pause the ad from running and remove it from the Ads Dashboard.

If you want to make the same edits to multiple campaigns, ad groups, or ads at the same time, you can use the Bulk Edit tool.

Pause your ad

You can pause or un-pause an ad at any time. Once it's paused, the ad will no longer serve impressions. Here's how to do it:

  1. Log in to ads.reddit.com.
  2. Click into the ADS tab.
  3. Click to toggle from ON to OFF.
  4. The Ad status will switch to Inactive.


To un-pause your ad, come back and toggle your ad from OFF back to ON.

Note: You may still see impressions coming in if you have multiple ads under your ad group, and you only pause one. To pause all ads at the same time, go to the ad group tab and toggle the group to OFF.

Edit your ad

Here's how to edit your ads — either to change the info about them for internal reference, or to freshen up the post to see if it does better with reddit users.

Edit your ad's name or tracking info (internal reference only):

  1. Log in to ads.reddit.com.
  2. Click on the ADS tab.
  3. Click the three-dot menu (...) next to the ad you want to edit.


  4. Make your changes and click Save

Edit your ad's post (public-facing: copy, creative, destination URL):

To make changes to an existing ad's post, you'll need to duplicate it, and make changes to the new ad.

Here's how:

  1. Log in to ads.reddit.com.
  2. Click on the ADS tab.
  3. Click the three-dot menu (...) next to the ad you want to edit.
  4. Select Edit Ad from the drop-down.
  5. Under Creative, select the existing post you want to edit, then click the Duplicate Post button.
  6. From the Duplicate Ad window, make your changes.
  7. Click Save Post to create the new post.
  8. Click Save again on the Edit Ad page.

Duplicate your ad

When you duplicate an ad, you create that ad's twin within the same ad group. Your duplicate ad will carry over the original's name, third-party trackers, and post (creative, etc.). Here's how to do it:

  1. Log in to ads.reddit.com
  2. Click on the ADS tab
  3. Click the three-dot menu (...) next to the ad you want to edit
  4. Select Duplicate from the drop-down menu


  5. From the pop-up Duplicate Ad window, hit Duplicate.

Archive your ad

To pause your ad from running, and to remove it from the dashboard (without deleting it forever), you can archive it. Here's how:

  1. Log in to ads.reddit.com.
  2. Click on the ADS tab.
  3. Click the three-dot menu (...) next to the ad you want to archive.
  4. Select 'Archive' from the drop-down menu.


You can click View > Archived to see this and any other ads you've archived.

You can also unarchive your ad:

  1. Log in to your ads.reddit.com account.
  2. From the ADS tab, select View > Archived.
  3. Click the three-dot menu (...) next to the ad group you want to unarchive.
  4. Select Unarchive from the drop-down menu.

You can click View > Default to see this and any other ads you have that are not archived.

How to add a new ad group or ad to your campaign

There are a few different ways to expand your fleet of ad groups and ads, adding to the campaigns you already have:

  • Add an ad group individually, from the CAMPAIGN tab (if you're already there).
  • Add an ad group individually, from the AD GROUPS tab.
  • Add a new ad individually, from the AD GROUPS tab (if you're already there).
  • Add a new ad individually, from the ADS tab.

Add a new ad group

From the CAMPAIGN tab:

  1. Log in to ads.reddit.com.
  2. Click on the CAMPAIGNS tab.
  3. Select the three-dot menu (...) next to the campaign you want to add to.
  4. Select New Ad Group from the drop-down menu.


  5. Follow these steps to finish setting up your new ad group and ads.

From the AD GROUPS tab:

  1. From your Ads Dashboard, click on the AD GROUPS tab.
  2. Click the Create Ad Group button.


  3. In the pop-up window, select Existing Campaign
  4. Choose the campaign you want to add to from the drop-down menu.
  5. Hit Next.
  6. Follow these steps to finish setting up your new ad group and ads.

Add a new ad to an existing ad group

From the AD GROUPS tab:

  1. Log in to ads.reddit.com.
  2. Click into the AD GROUPS tab.
  3. Click the three-dot menu (...) next to the ad group you want to add to.
  4. Select New Ad from the drop-down menu.


  5. Follow these steps to finish setting up your ad.

From the ADS tab:

  1. Log in to ads.reddit.com.
  2. Click on the ADS tab.
  3. Click Create Ad in the top-left corner.


  4. Choose the ad group you want to create a new ad for.
  5. Follow these steps to finish setting up your new ad.

Using the Bulk Edit Tool

If you're feeling super efficient, you can use bulk edit to do a thing to more than one campaign, ad group, or ad at the same time.

What you can do with bulk edit:

  • Archive
  • Delete
  • Pause/un-pause
  • For ad groups, bulk edit the schedule, budget and/or bid (in addition to the above things)

Bulk Edit Tool - check the box next to the ones you want to edit.

How to use it:

  1. From your Ads Dashboard, click into the tab of the thing you want to bulk edit (campaigns, ad groups, or ads).
  2. To edit more than one campaign element, but not all, check the box next to the ones you want to edit. Or, to make the same edit to all, check the box at the very top of the list (gray bar).
  3. Do the thing: Click the archive, delete, pause, or activate icon in the toolbar, then confirm that's what you really want to do. (If you're deleting a whole bunch of campaigns, ponder it a few extra seconds.)

Edit the schedule, budget and/or bid from the ads group tab.

For ad groups, bulk edit the schedule, budget and/or bid:

  1. Click into the AD GROUPS tab
  2. Check the box next to the groups you want to edit

To edit their schedule:

  1. Click the clock icon.
  2. Edit the schedule.
  3. Click Submit.

To edit their bid or budget:

  1. Click the pencil icon.
  2. Edit the bids from the bids tab, and/or edit the budgets from the budget tab.
  3. Hit Save Changes.

Edit campaigns with Bulk Import

And there's yet another way to save time editing campaigns: You can work from a pre-filled CSV that you download, edit, and upload to Reddit Ads. Check out our article on how to use the bulk import tool.

Have to Hit Back Button Multiple Times on Reddit

Source: https://advertising.reddithelp.com/en/categories/optimization-management/edit-your-reddit-ads-campaign

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